Breathwork 101

The Beauty of Rebirthing Breathwork

The popularity of Rebirthing Breathwork is exploding and for good reason.

If you are reading this, it is likely that you have heard someone raving to you about just how bloody brilliant rebirthing breathwork is. Or you have done it before and want to learn more about this pretty epic transformational tool. Regardless of your level of knowledge or experience, let me try to explain the inexplicable.

Rebirthing Breathwork is like 10 years of therapy without uttering a single word to a therapist

A lot can happen when we breathe in a certain way and saturate our bodies with oxygen. It causes a shift in our physiology and allows us to move, process and clear all manner of stuff like blocked emotions, heavy energy and stored memories and trauma from our sympathetic nervous system – or commonly known as the fight or Fight response.

These energetic blockages can dramatically impact our mental and physical well-being and drain our energy, causing anxiety and depression, fuelling addictions, hindering confidence and creativity and stunting holistic and spiritual growth.

Most people will have blockages or stored emotional experiences that are holding them back and need to be cleared. If they are not released it can and frequently does, result in illness or dis-ease or general malaise.

The really good news is that by using a specific breathing technique, we can override the monkey mind and talk directly to the body and connect to our inner intelligence. This allows us to clear the blockages. Amazing right?!

Rebirthing breathwork is a clearing process so we can restore balance to the body’s stress systems, calm the mind, relieve anxiety and PTSD and release anything that is no longer serving us.

Rebirthing Breathwork is an incredibly powerful tool for the mind and body, accessible to almost everyone.

“When we clear out the heavy stuff that’s been getting in our way, we can access a wonderful sense of expansiveness in the mind. And it’s here that we can access bliss, blow open our creativity and access altered states of consciousness.

The end game for many is that they feel flippin’ fantastic, full of love and gratitude and light as a feather. Errrrm, yes please. I’ll take some of that.

“The only real way of understanding the power of Breathwork is to experience it for yourself”

Trying to explain the feeling you have after a Rebirthing Breathwork session is ineffable. It is virtually Incapable of being expressed in words.

Rebirthing Breathwork cannot be described, it absolutely has to be experienced. I urge you to try it.

Breathwork is an incredibly powerful tool for the mind and body accessible to almost everyone.

When we clear out the heavy stuff that’s been getting in our way, we can access a wonderful sense of expansiveness in the mind. And it’s here that we can access bliss, blow open our creativity and access altered states of consciousness.

The end game for many is that they feel flippin’ fantastic, full of love and gratitude and light as a feather. Errrrm, yes please. I’ll take some of that.

The only real way of understanding the power of Breathwork is to experience it for yourself

Trying to explain the feeling you have after a Breathwork session is ineffable. It is virtually Incapable of being expressed in words.

Integrative breathwork cannot be described, it absolutely has to be experienced. I urge you to try it.

The Benefits of Rebirthing Breathwork

You may experience some of the following benefits during or after an Rebirthing Breathwork session.

  • Release of undigested emotions & memories
  • Physical pain relief or reduction in intensity
  • Healing of very deep or repressed grief and trauma
  • Connection of the mind and body
  • Enhanced focus and creativity
  • Toxin release from the cells of the body
  • Immense stress relief
  • Better quality sleep
  • Self-love and enriched interpersonal relationships
  • Deep relaxation and inner peace
  • Emotional Balance and well being
  • Intense feelings of joy and gratitude
  • Profound sense of connectedness and oneness
  • Improvement in physical performance and endurance
  • Raise your vibration to create greater abundance
  • Rewiring neural pathways and receiving powerful downloads
  • Access to expanded or altered states of consciousness

That’s a lot of reasons to give it a go. If you only experience one thing our Breathwork 101 Benefits list, you’re winning.

I hear you say in laughter ‘I’ve been breathing my whole life and I’ve never experienced anything like that’

It’s hard to wrap your head around it that the breath – something you have always done – can be such a big tool for transformation. And you know what else is good? Your breath is available to you 24/7 365.

Try one of my classes for yourself, you don’t have to take my word for it.

What is integrative Breathwork and what happens in the session

The particular style of active breathing we work with is called Integrative Breathwork, using a conscious connected circular breath and it is derived from the Holotropic method and philosophy.

During a session you will be lying down and under verbal direction you will be guided to intentionally change your breathing pattern to a conscious connected breathing technique, using only the mouth to inhale and exhale with no pauses in between. We use a carefully curated playlist of powerful and beautiful music to enhance the experience.

A Breath therapist will be close to hand to help enhance the experience and help you focus and feel supported throughout the process. During Breathwork, participants are instructed to give themselves permission to let go of anything they are repressing and release. This has a strong impact on the psyche and is usually a great relief.

A number of psychotherapeutic methodologies are used to enhance the session for your benefit.

Breathwork is absolutely experiential and it’s completely different for everybody, every time.

The Science Bit.

Breathwork creates both a psychological and biological influence on the brain. With the latter, it causes a loss of CO2. When the body compensates, the process of CO2 creation lowers blood acidity so your blood becomes more alkaline. An alkaline environment in the body will reduce inflammation and therefore the probability of disease.

The lower CO2 results in decreased blood flow to some parts of the brain and one part in particular – the default mode network or DMN – that is responsible for mental structures and your sense of self/ego. When activity in this area drops down considerably, the ego mind can temporarily vanish.

When the DMN is curbed, there is more activity which allows emotions and memories, including childhood traumas or grievances, to surface from the unconscious to be processed and released.

The Science Bit.

Breathwork creates both a psychological and biological influence on the brain. With the latter, it causes a loss of CO2. When the body compensates, the process of CO2 creation lowers blood acidity so your blood becomes more alkaline. An alkaline environment in the body will reduce inflammation and therefore the probability of disease.

The lower CO2 results in decreased blood flow to some parts of the brain and one part in particular – the default mode network or DMN – that is responsible for mental structures and your sense of self/ego. When activity in this area drops down considerably, the ego mind can temporarily vanish.

When the DMN is curbed, there is more activity which allows emotions and memories, including childhood traumas or grievances, to surface from the unconscious to be processed and released.

Let’s get started!

Are you excited about taking the next step with Suki and beginning your journey of transformation with your breath?

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Breathwork session with Suki Humby | Breathwork Therapist

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